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 Amx_hook si grab

In jos 
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masculin Numarul mesajelor : 715
Data nasterii : 09/12/1994
Data de inscriere : 21/07/2009
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Amx_hook si grab Empty
MesajSubiect: Amx_hook si grab   Amx_hook si grab EmptyJoi Feb 24, 2011 11:05 am

Descriere: ofera adminului/jucatorului o ''panza'' cu, care poate misca lucrurile.

Descarcare:[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link] (nu uitati sa-l compilati)

Comanda pentru admin: Scrieti in consola ''amx_hook'' , cand ve-ti scrie ''amx_hook 1'' va fi activat(ca din deflaut)

Comanda pentru jucator:
1.Scrieti in consola ''bind x +hook'' si apasati x pentru a folosi panza.
2.Scrieti /hook in chat pentru a vedea informatiile legate de acest plugin.


// ******************  Hook Grab Settings  ******************

//0 to disable hooking, 1 to enable hooking
//sv_hook 1

//If you are running my "out_of_bounds" plugin you may want it disabled when
//you have the hook fully enabled. If you want this plugin to leave
//"out_of_bounds" alone, then set this cvar to 0.
//amx_hb_pl_kill 1

//Default is 0, to enforce a 15 second delay on hooking
//at round start so as to prevent spawn massacres set to 1.
//amx_hook_spawndelay 0

//Set to 1 to not allow vip to use hook. Set cvar to 0 to allow free vip roping
//amx_hook_no_vip 1

//This is number of times a player may use the hook each round. Default is
//100. I would suggest setting to 2 or 3 per round to encourage strategic
//usage of the hook rather than just having it be total craziness.
//amx_hook_round 100

//Switch to report number of hooks remaining in a round to a player if
//that number drops to 10 or less. By default its on 1, set to 0 to turn off this report.
//amx_rep_hcount 1

//Hook Style - changes the style of the hook used
//    0 - Classic hook style from orginal plugin
//    1 - SpaceDudes Reel Hook
//    2 - SpaceDudes AutoReel Hook
//    3 - Cheap Kids AutoReel
//amx_hook_style 0

//Move accelaration is only used in hook styles 1 and 2
//It is the rate at which you can move in the air while on the hook line
//amx_hook_moveacc 150

//Reel Speed is only used in hook styles 1 and 2
//It is the rate at which you can reel in the hook line
//amx_hook_reelspeed 400

//Cheap Reel Speed is only used in hook style 3
//It is the rate at which the hook line reels in
//amx_hook_creelspeed 800

[size=17]Schimbarea log-ului:[/size]
v1.3.1 - JTP10181 - 10/16/04

* Updated for AMXModX 0.20

v1.3 - JTP10181 - 07/10/04

Citat :
• S-ar putea sa intalniti bug-uri in caz ca serverul dvs nu este de protocol 47+48;
• Vi-l recomand la Zombie Mod, Hero;
• S-au scos toate codurile pentru votari, asa ca foloseste amx_customvotes;
• Cam aici gasiti si ceea ce ar v-ar mai trebui :

Descarcare:[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link] (citit mai jos)

Comenzile adminului:
amx_custvote - Arata meniul de votari
amx_custvote #2 - Incepe a doua votare
amx_custvote matrix - Incepe voatarea pentru a declansa "matrix"
amx_custvote #2 off - Dezactiveaza votarea publica pentru #2
amx_custvote #2 save - Salveaza rezultatele publice ca deflat #2
amx_custvote #2 on save - Activeaza votarea publica pentru #2 si le salveaza in deflaut

amx_custcancelvote - Opreste votarea respectiva


//Config file for amx_customvotes.sma
//Created by jtp10181
//This file belongs at <configs_dir>/custvote.cfg
//Sample Config Entry
//The vote can be activated by saying "vote_trigger"
//D    "Description used in results"
//Q    "Vote question¿"
//Y    "YES question choice"
//N    "NO Answer choise"
//H    "Help line to be displayed if vote succeeds"
//The following two can be cvars settings or any server command
//YC    "server command to run if vote passes"
//NC    "server command to run if vote failes"
//The following can be set to different modes and is optional
//    * -1 - No timer checking
//    *  0 - Use plugin global timer (default if not set)
//    *  1 - Use server global timer (same as adminvote)
//    *  2 - Use vote specific timer
//TM    0
D    "Matrix Jumping"
Q    "Do you want Matrix style jumping¿"
Y    "Hand me the red pill!"
N    "No thanks"
YC    "sv_airaccelerate -15"
NC    "sv_airaccelerate 10"
D    "Grappling Hook"
Q    "Allow the Grappling Hook¿"
Y    "Yes, I want to Hook
N    "No, the Hook is stupid"
YC    "sv_hook 1"
NC    "sv_hook 0"
H    "- Say /hook for help"
TM    2


Citat :

Logul schimbat:
Sus In jos
Amx_hook si grab
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