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 Comenzi ,Rcon Cvars,Bandwidth Rates

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masculin Numarul mesajelor : 195
Data nasterii : 01/12/1990
Data de inscriere : 23/07/2009
Varsta : 33
Localizare : Bucuresti! Dr Taberei

Comenzi ,Rcon Cvars,Bandwidth Rates Empty
MesajSubiect: Comenzi ,Rcon Cvars,Bandwidth Rates   Comenzi ,Rcon Cvars,Bandwidth Rates EmptyJoi Ian 21, 2010 2:32 am

hostname ---->The name of the server.
sv_password ---->Set server password. Leave blank to disable.
mp_friendlyfire <0/1> ---->Turn on/off friendlyfire. Default: Off
mp_footsteps <0/1> ---->Turn on/off footsteps. Default: On
mp_autoteambalance <0/1> ---->Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced. Default: On
mp_autokick <0/1> ---->Kick idle/team-killing players. Default Off
mp_flashlight <0/1> ---->Turn on/off the ability for clients to use flashlight. Default: Off
mp_tkpunish <0/1> ---->Punish TK'ers on next round? Default: On
mp_forcecamera <0/1> ---->Force dead players to first person mode, effectively disabling freelook. Default: Off
sv_alltalk <0/1> ---->Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions. Default: Off
sv_pausable <0/1> ---->Can the server be paused Default: 0
sv_consistency <0/1> ---->Force cleints to pass consistency check for critical files before joining server? Default: 0
sv_cheats <0/1> ---->Allow cheats on server. Default: 0
sv_gravity <0/1> ---->World Gravity Default: 800
sv_maxvelocity ---->Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis. Default: 3500
sv_unlag <0/1> ---->Enables player lag compensation. Default: 1
sv_voicecodec ---->Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.. Default: vaudio_miles
sv_hltv <0/1>----> Enables HLTV on the server. Default: 0
sv_allowupload <0/1> ---->Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server. Default: 1
sv_allowdownload <0/1>---->Allow clients to downnload files. Default: 1
sv_maxspeed ---->Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320
mp_limitteams <0-20> ---->Max # of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2
mp_hostagepenalty <##> ---->How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable. Default: 5
sv_voiceenable <0/1> ---->Allow clients to use mic. Default: 1
mp_allowspectators <0/1> ---->Allow spectators on the server. Default: 1
mp_chattime <0-120> ---->Amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over. Lower value = faster map load change. Default: 10
sv_timeout <##> ---->After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped. Default: 65
[size=15]Rcon Cvars
rcon_password ---->Set rcon passsword. Leave blank to disable rcon
sv_rcon_banpenalty ---->Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication. Default: 0
sv_rcon_maxfailures <0-20> ---->Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned. Default: 10
sv_rcon_minfailures <0/1>----->Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned. Default: 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime <1-seconds> ---->Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications. Default: 30
Round Cvars
mp_freezetime <0-60> ---->Time in seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts. Default: 6
mp_roundtime <1-9> ---->How much time in minutes does a round last. Default: 5
mp_startmoney <800-16000> ---->Amount of money each player gets when they reset (16000 max) Default: 800
mp_c4timer <10-90> ---->The amount of time in seconds before bomb explodes after planted. Default: 45
mp_fraglimit <##> ---->Amount of frags a player can exceed before changing maps. Default: 0
mp_maxrounds <##> ---->Amount of round to play before server changes maps. Default: 0
mp_winlimit <0-20> ---->Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0
mp_playerid <0/1/2> ---->Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names. Default: 0
mp_spawnprotectiontime ---->Time in seconds to Kick players who team-kill after round restart. Default: 5

Bandwidth Rates
sv_minrate <0-25000> ---->Min bandwidth rate allowed on server. Default: 0 (unlimited)
sv_maxrate <0-25000> ---->Max bandwidth rate allowed on server. Default: 0 (unlimited)
decalfrequency ---->Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10
sv_maxupdaterate ---->Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60
sv_minupdaterate ---->Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10

Server logging
log ---->Enable server logging? Default: Off
sv_logbans <0/1> ---->Log server bans in the server logs. Default: 0
sv_logecho <0/1> ---->Echo log information to the console. Default: 1
sv_logfile <0/1> ---->Log server information in the log file. Default: 1
sv_log_onefile <0/1> ---->Log server information to only one file. Default: 0
sv_logsdire---->Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
Bots (1 of 2)
bot_add ----> 'bot_add' is a value itself. Adding this to your server configuration will enable bots
bot_quota <1-32>----> Amount of bots to add. Adding many bots will use more cpu. Start with a few bots, then add more if needed.
bot_quota_mode ---->If 'Fill', the server will adjust bots to keep # players in the game, where # is bot_quota (from above) Default: Normal
bot_difficulty <0/1/2/3> Skill of bots. Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert. Default: 0
bot_chatter ---->Control how bots talk. Values: 'off', 'radio', 'minimal', or 'normal'. Default: Normal
bot_auto_follow <0/1>----> Allow bots to automatically follow a human player. Default: 1
bot_auto_vacate <0/1> ---->Kick bots to automatically make room for human players. Default: 1
bot_join_after_player <0/1> ---->Bots must wait for a people to join before joining? If No, bots will play without people. Default: 1
bot_defer_to_human <0/1> ---->Can bots complete objectives if there are humans on a team? Default: 0
bot_prefix ---->Prefix for bot names. A prefix is a tag that bots will have in front of their name. you can enter your clan tag or leave blank.
bot_allow_rogues <0/1>----> bots may occasionally go 'rogue'. Rogue bots do not obey radio commands, nor pursue scenario goals.. Default: 0
bot_walk <0/1> ---->The speed at which bots can move. 0=walk+run, 1=walk Default: 0
bot_join_team ---->What teams are bots allowed to join? Default: any
bot_eco_limit <0-16000> ---->Bots will not buy if their money falls below this amount. Default: 2000
Bot Weapon Restriction (2 of 2)
bot_all_weapons ---->Allow bots to use all weapons. 'bot_all_weapons' is the value.
bot_knives_only ---->Allow bots to use only knives. 'bot_knives_only' is the value.
bot_pistols_only ---->Allow bots to use only pistols. 'bot_pistols_only' is the value.
bot_snipers_only ---->Allow bots to use only sniper rifles. 'bot_snipers_only' is the value.
bot_allow_grenades <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use grenades. Default: 1
bot_allow_pistols <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use pistols. Default: 1
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use sub machine guns. Default: 1
bot_allow_shotguns <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use shotguns. Default: 1
bot_allow_rifles <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use rifles. Default: 1
bot_allow_snipers <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use sniper rifles. Default: 1
bot_allow_machine_guns <0/1> ---->Allow bots to use machine guns. Default: 1

sv_lan <0/1> 0=Public/LAN, 1=LAN Default: 0
sv_region ---->Geographic location of the server.
-1 World
---->0 US East coast
---->1 US West coast
----> 2 South America
----> 3 Europe
---->4 Asia
---->5 Australia
---->6 Middle East
---->7 Africa
sv_contact ---->Contact email for server sysop
Client Cvars
fps_max Frame rate limiter.
cl_allowdownload <0/1>---->Client downloads customization files. Default: 1
cl_allowupload <0/1> ---->Client uploads customization files. Default: 1
cl_autowepswitch <0/1> ---->Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) Default: 1
cl_c4dynamiclight <0/1> ---->Draw dynamic light when planted c4 flashes. Default: 0
cl_c4progressbar <0/1> ---->Draw progress bar when defusing the C4. Default: 1
cl_cmdrate ---->Max number of command packets sent to server per second. Default: 0
cl_updaterate ---->Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server. Default: 20
cl_crosshaircolor ---->Color of crosshair. 0=green, 1=red, 2=blue, 3=yellow, 4=skyblue Default: 0
cl_crosshairscale ---->Size of the crosshair. Lower value=Larger, Higher value=smaller Default: 768
cl_crosshairusealpha <0/1> ---->Make crosshair translucent against similar colors. Default: 0
cl_customsounds <0/1> ---->Enable customized player sound playback. Default: 0
cl_demoviewoverride <0/1> ---->Override view during demo playback. Default: 0
cl_drawhud <0/1>---->Enable the rendering of the hud. sv_cheats must be enabled to disable hud. Default: 1
cl_showtextmsg <0/1> ---->Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen. Default: 1

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